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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Popcorn Kick-Off!

This was an exciting week, as it was our annual popcorn kick-off! We'd love to make this a big year for popcorn sales for our Pack, and our Bears can make a big dent in the Pack's goal! Here are some of the benefits of selling:
  • Sell $500 in popcorn to pay for your Scout's dues next year ($120 value)
  • Sell $700 in popcorn to pay for your Scout's entire day camp experience next summer ($80 value)
  • Sell $1000 to earn free membership to the Broncos Bunch, including invitations to exclusive Boy Scout events
  • Sell $2500 to earn 6% of your  total sales in college scholarship money! If earned, this will continue for the rest of your Scout's years selling popcorn...this year and every year after your Scout would earn 6% of his total sales in a college scholarship!
  • Prizes from Boy Scouts at total sales values from $25 to $4500 including lego kits, robots, camping equipment, electronics, and gift cards
And, of course, there are prizes from the Pack, too, including (among other things) the opportunity to throw a pie in the face of den leaders and the Cubmaster for every $300 sold!

We have a $6000 goal for the Pack...let's see if we can shatter that total! Let me know if you missed the meeting and need materials. We also have several Show-and-Sell time slots available next week at King Soopers if anyone is interested in boosting their sales. Just let me know!

Also, we will be having a popcorn blitz this Saturday! If you want to do some door-to-door sales together with the Pack, we will be meeting this Saturday at the Lukas Park (our meeting location). We'll break up into small groups and go around the neighborhood making sales. We'll meet back at the park at noon for a pizza party and will award some cool prizes to the winners of a few different categories!

I hope to see you on Saturday, and if not then I'll see you next week!

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