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Monday, September 26, 2016

Majestic View Nature Center Outing!

THIS WEEK'S REQUIREMENT(S) MET: Fur, Feathers, and Ferns, Requirements 1 - 7

What a fun outing this was! We met at the Majestic View Nature Center during our usual meeting time on September 22nd to fulfill our Fur, Feathers, and Ferns requirement. Our guide was wonderful! During our outing, we did the following:
  • Went on a hike around the park identifying signs of wildlife with our binoculars.
  • Collected sample plants from the park and brought them inside for examination with magnifying glasses.
  • Learned about native plants and why it important to protect them.
  • Learned about animal extinction vs. endangerment through the stories of the black-footed ferret and the monarch butterfly. We even got to hold a fossilized wooly mammoth tusk!
  • Learned about the importance of compost and how to make it. We even made our own compost with the leftover snacks our guide provided.
  • Planted our own herb seeds in eggshells.

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