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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Paws for Action, Day 1

REQUIREMENT(S) MET: Paws for Action, Req. 1 (started)

We had a small group tonight for our meeting! With the Tigers and the Webelos gone for an outing and several absent scouts, we ended up revising our plan for tonight.

We are starting our work on the required adventure, Paws for Action. One of these requirements is to learn about the United States flag. We decided to meet with the Wolves for our meeting, and we spent the first half of the meeting talking about the flag and then breaking into pairs to practice the proper way to fold a flag. The boys all did a great job!

Ansel and Cayden (a Wolf) work together to fold the flag.

Benjamin demonstrates how to properly carry a flag.

Travis and Dylan (a Wolf) did a great job folding their flag!

After the flag practice, we decided it was time to run off some energy, so we spent the last half hour playing a fun game of kickball with both dens!


Next week we will be having our Blue and Gold ceremony, celebrating the birthday of Scouting! We will be having a cake decorating ceremony, so if your scout would like to participate please have him decorate a Star Wars-themed cake. We'll have prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place!

As a reminder, one of the required adventures, Fellowship and Duty to God, will not be covered during regular den meetings. This is an adventure designed to be completed at home with the scout's family. I am hoping to do a service project at a local nursing home this spring, but nothing has been set in stone yet. If we are able to complete this service project then it would count toward Requirement 2A for this adventure. Each boy is certainly welcome to do another project if he'd rather.  Please let me know when your scout has completed this adventure so that I can record it in his Progress Towards Rank sheet and award it to him at the next Award Ceremony.

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