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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Pack 969 Holiday Party!

REQUIREMENT(S) MET: None tonight -- just to have a great time!

Tonight was a FUN night! We had our holiday party, and it was a blast! We started off in the gym with our gift exchange. Then we moved on to the snowman wrapping challenge. Our den chose to decorate Kaiden, and our den won the decorating contest -- way to go, boys! :) After that, we moved into the cafeteria for the cookie exchange. It turned into more of a cookie sampling, as everyone just took a plate of cookies and ate them on the spot -- there were some delicious cookies there! Finally, we finished up with the pie toss. For every $300 a scout sold in popcorn this fall, he got to smash one pie into a leader's face. Our Pack as a whole earned 37 pies to throw!!! I think everyone had fun with this event... :)

Look at this fun crew!

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday break -- I can't wait to see you back again in January!

December 8, 2016 - Whittling Chip/Bear Claws, Day 2

REQUIREMENT(S) MET: Bear Claws Requirements 2, 3 (started)

Well, after a few weeks off from regular meetings, it was time to continue our Bear Claws required badge.

To start the meeting off, we had a couple Scouts who had created posters for the Critter Care elective belt loop. Ayden shared his poster that he made about his time with our den hamster, Scout, and Ansel made a poster to share about his toads that he has at home. They both did a great job!

After we had our sharing time, we did some review of knives and knife safety. Since we had earned our Whittling Chips back in November, it was good to go over the information again. The boys did a fantastic job of remembering everything! Then it was on to our first carving! We started on our Ivory soap carvings -- for these, the boys are using 3 popsicle stick tools they were given. This lets them practice the motions of carving without having to worry about cutting themselves. They traced their designs first, then started carving. It's fun to see the different shapes they decided to try their hands at! 

We didn't have enough time to finish these carvings in the meeting, so the boys are to finish them at home and then bring the carvings and the carving tools back with them to the first meeting after the New Year. I'm excited to see how they all turn out! To finish this adventure, at our next regular den meeting we will be carving a piece of balsa wood. This will finish requirement 2 and complete the required adventure!

December 1, 2016 - No meeting

~Meeting cancelled for Holiday Fair at Lukas Elementary~

November 24, 2016 - No meeting

No meeting this week -- Happy Thanksgiving! :)

November 17, 2016 - SPACE DERBY!

Oops! It's been awhile since I have posted...I will try to catch up here!

REQUIREMENT(S) MET: N/A - Just fun! :)

November 17th was our Space Derby! The boys each built their own space derby rocket, and then we took turns racing them on the fishing line track we had set up. The boys were so patient while we worked out all the kinks. It was fun to see all their different designs!

Kaiden got to take home Scout for the next 2-week run. Look at that excited smile! :)